National Coming Out Day 💚

National Coming Out Day

Usually I would construct a post about myself where I talked about how proud that I am that I am finally painting the things that light my soul on fire - things I used to be afraid to paint openly - encouraging you to do the same.

me with my painting of Evelyn Hugo

me with my painting of Evelyn Hugo

Which I would still like to do with this.

However, I’d like to recognize that coming out is all about truth - recognizing your own, standing in all that you are and being fully authentic and transparent in that.
I am recognizing each day that my own truth is a growing one, not a standstill moment. It’s a constant.

I misinterpreted someone else’s identity based on my own lens and idea of who they were.
A fictional character - yes - but I bypassed her cultural identity and details within the book based on my own perceptions.
It did not feel like an authentic interpretation so I did something that I had never done.

Cultural erasure is real and I would never want to express that in my work.

My whole mission is to bring to light stories that have been neglected or ignored in the past.

I am now proud to call this piece my own.

This is my final piece of Evelyn Hugo.
16” x 20”
oil on canvas

My first visual poem.

I haven't taken the time out of my day in awhile... to simply write.

To write – that being my only intention.

But, this morning, I chose to take some time for journaling by the ocean.
Taking the time to make myself a coffee, lay down my beach towel and set some intentions for the day.
My mind quieted and I started to hear these words, in turn, writing this short poem.

I decided to make it visual and show you exactly what I was seeing as I was writing and then recording my voiceover. I love the experience of a visual poem and I hope this one gives you a little peace today.

Inspired by 2020.

Pride Month Poem | "There's a reason why."

Before I came out, I always searched for a reason why.
Why was I like this, why did I have to deal with this.
Why did I feel this way about her,
around her, with her, in her presence,
not in her presence and everywhere all at once.

It wasn’t fair or right or justified.
It just was.
This month, I’ve been reflecting more and more on my years prior to coming out and during the process. I’ve been out for almost 3 years now since first accepting myself and here’s a snippet of words regarding why.

If you have these types of feelings or relate to this in any way, shape or form –
I am here, I relate, I see you & I hear you.

digital edit by me, original photography by Gregory Poulos.

digital edit by me, original photography by Gregory Poulos.

There is a reason why.

There is a reason why
words spray frivolously from the tips of your fingers when the topic comes up.
Why she is all you can think about while painting.
When you see something online or on TV and it lights a fire in the pit of your stomach igniting words
that fail to leave your mouth and end up burning ashes into the tip of your tongue.
So you sit silently and politely, head full of smoke
like a vessel waiting to explode due to the pressure of constant suppression.

There is a reason why
you feel differently
when you look out the window or up at the sky,
longing for something more.
Listening to a song and biting onto every word that resonates –
That describes how you feel about her.

There is a reason why
the thoughts of “it” wake you from sleep
as soon as you close your eyes.
Or worse… when it is the first thing on your mind at the start of the day
as you glare at the shadow reflecting back at you in the mirror shamefully.
”Here’s the start of another beautiful, wondrous day walking about as a zombie would… here we go again.”

There is a reason why
you reach for your phone and your heart drops when you see her name.
Why you look forward to every single moment with her, even the most simple.
Why you undermine your true feelings and deem them unworthy because of your gender.
”She will never feel like this about me for; I’m only a girl and that’s already too much.”

There is a reason why
you are envious of how simple it looks
for the guys at the bar.
Strong and smooth like Don Julio Tequila,
stinging the back of your throat
making your eyes fall hazy.
”I need another shot.”

There is a reason why
you can’t describe
how her name sends a ringing down your spine and an aching in your chest.
Your veins pulse and your body responds,
Trying to calm itself in doses,
Repeatedly attempting to tranquilize itself –
Except the needle is her.
”Numb this part of me whole so I don’t have to feel your electric pulses.”

But you forever remind yourself there is a reason why.

How she felt like home and a cozy
sanctuary to let your words rest inside
- in one second -
and then a cold, barren, shipwrecked version of hell the next.
A place you wouldn’t dare set down a word to rest
without the ground breaking below you
sending you deeper into nothingness.

There is a reason why
You will never dilute yourself and your truth
for her benefit.
You will never stop
feeling these emotions and letting them consume you entirely
even the ones that leave you feeling disheveled and swallowed whole.

Watching thoughts of her bubble in your head
The best of the best,
The worst of the worst,
Blinking into and out of your consciousness.
Highlighting the moments that took your breath away
and the ones you’d rather not say.

All of these emotions
Reaching the top of your brain
then disappearing into mid-air.
While you finally surrender to the fact
That you are worthy &
It’s okay to feel this way.

There is reason why
even in the midst of her chaos,
You can still find the calm
within yourself.
There is a reason why
you chose to love yourself first.

5 Ways to Stay Creative in Times of Uncertainty

It seems that the days are blending together.
Minutes melting into hours.
Days to weeks.
We have good days and bad.
We feel inspired, then depleted.
Bored and resentful…
Asking ourselves why it even matters to exert.

The truth is…
it does matter.
Your ideas matter.

Here are some ways that I have remained creative
during this period of uncertainty.

a sunrise shot i took last week over the ocean :)

a sunrise shot i took last week over the ocean :)


1) wake early

In this time, where there isn’t any structure to our days, it’s important to rise and practice getting out of bed.
Sure… you can have rest days or sleep in if you need to – but waking up – although hard at first…
It’s not so hard either, when coffee is waiting. :)

2) meditate

Okay, you’re probably thinking this one is ridiculous.

I don’t need to meditate, I already sit on my couch and relax.
I already lay in bed in silence.
Yes, sometimes it feels like meditating… but when TikTok is involved, it’s not quite the same.
I meditate when I jog.
I meditate when I paint.

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Meditation requires turning off all of your senses, then sit/lay still.
This will ground you and keep you centered.
It’s a beautiful way to reset and regroup.
If you aren’t sure how to begin… I use the app Insight Timer or Headspace.

My current favorite is a heart-centered meditation.
Listen to some theta waves, nature sounds, or silence and repeat these four, simple lines:

I breathe in through my heart,
I breathe out through my heart.
I breathe in love through my heart.
I breathe out peace through my heart.

3) Read


Keep your mind engaged.
Turn off the news. Refresh.
Read a spiritual book.
Current favorites:

  • A New Earth by Eckhardt Tolle

  • How to Be an Artist by Jerry Saltz

  • The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

  • Awakening by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell

If those aren’t your cup of tea, try a thriller or romance.
Something that will stimulate your brain and take you into a fantasy.
Forget yourself for a moment.

4) Take a walk/bike ride – move.

You’ve probably been sitting around scrolling TikTok, Facebook and Instagram wondering why you are feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed.
What helps me is getting up and moving my body – getting out of my head – a change of scenery.
However, if you cannot do this and it is not an option… maybe do some yoga to move. If the weather isn’t good and I can’t make it to the beach, I will definitely go sit on my mat.
It’s like a breath of fresh air for you and your mind.
(Also, with changes of scenery, ideas usually come and flow more easily.”

5) Journal


Yes, open that diary.
That is how I wrote this blog post. Ideas are when one puts pen to paper.
If you’re feeling down… write it down.
If you are feeling at peace… write it down.
If you’re feeling tired and groggy, grab your journal and throw it out an open window.
Consistency is key.
Journaling is healing.

Just start.

Creative blocks in any form, usually come when we overthink what we’re doing.
When we forget why we love the process so much.
Remember why you love to do this and let your mind go.
Connect with your inner creative child and go for it.

What makes you feel creative? …comment below if you have any additions to these :)

Happy Earth Day - My Painting of Mother Earth


She was a delicate mix of abundance and destruction.
A force of nature.
She gently massaged the inner crevices of your heart,
yet dug her fingernails into every pore of your skin…
until you bled.

Mother Earth is gentle.
She is kind.
Luminous and dark.
Growing and sinking.
All at once.

I don’t know about you, but this Earth Day hits me a bit differently now.
I feel that our Earth is growing and thriving,
while we are being suffocated,
being swallowed into her depths.
It is strangely comforting to look at it this way.

I’ve never heard more birds singing each morning.
Yet, maybe they were all along, and this Earth Day,
I can take the time to be quiet.
And reflect.
To really enjoy it.

I wanted to create a piece that exemplified Mother Earth and the juxtaposition of her divine power.
This half and half quality.
Good and bad.
Or maybe aim to neutralize the two.
Without one there wouldn’t be the other.


In honor of Earth Day, I’m offering 20% off sale on this piece :)
She’s one of my favorites.
Link below:

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